in progress
Sc3.0 roadmap: Dai and coll., 2020.
“Biosynthesis of medicinal tropane alkaloids in yeast”: Srinivasan and Smolke and coll., 2020
Example of neochromosome synthesis in yeast: Postma and coll., 2021.
Artificial genome scrambling in yeast 2.0 with loxPsym sites: Brooks and coll, 2022.
Artificial 18 kbp random chromosome in yeast: Gvozdenov, Barcutean and Struhl, 2023.
SparLox83R contains 83 loxPsym sites distributed across all 16 chromosomes (Cheng and coll., 2024).
Increasing the copy number of the endogenous aldehyde dehydrogenase Hfd1 allowed Hu, Yu and Ye, 2022 to obtain the best yield of conversion of retinol to retinoic acid.