in progress

Found in:


  • Admirality bay, King George island, Antarctica, where the two most abundant appendicularians were F. borealis and O. gaussica ([[Panasiuk and Kalarus, 2021|biblio/10.3390_d13120675]).

South Atlantic

  • Fritillaria borealis (and O. dioica and O. fusiformis) was found near Argentina by Capitanio, Pájaro and Esnal ?(2005).
Note sur un nouveau genre d'Appendiculaires.

Hermann Fol

Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale (Notes et revue) 3: XLIX-LIII

Note sur un nouveau genre d'Appendiculaires.

First description of Appendicularia sicula. Not assigned to one of the 3 tribes defined in 1872 because it shares features with all of them.

Includes corrections to the 1872 paper: Kowalewskaia → Kowalewskia, aplostoma → haplostoma, ectothélium → ectoderme, endothélium → endoderme.

SourceID 354924

Bibliographic reference and link to biodiversity library:

Appendicularians: an important food supply for the Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita in coastal waters

F. L. Capitanio, M. Pájaro, G. B. Esnal

Journal of Applied Ichthyology Volume 21, Issue 5 p. 414-419. 10 October 2005 doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2005.00657.x

Appendicularians: an important food supply for the Argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita in coastal waters

Oikopleura dioica and O. fusiformis found in the stomach of anchovies. The two Oikopleura and Fritillaria borealis were also found in plankton samples.

House formation and feeding behaviour of_Fritillaria borealis (Appendicularia: Tunicata)

Flood, P.R.

Marine Biology 143, 467–475 (2003). doi:10.1007/s00227-003-1075-y

House formation and feeding behaviour of Fritillaria borealis (Appendicularia: Tunicata)

“Suspended particles, between ~0.2 and 30 μm in diameter, are retained” “most of the Fritillaria borealis organism was located within an acellular, mucous-like feeding structure, about 2 mm wide [...]. Only the posterior (gonadal) part of the animal trunk and the anterior “shoulders” of the tail were exposed to the outside” “The difference in volume between the inflated and deflated states of this filter section was about eightfold.” “a water processing capacity of ~10 to 12 ml h−1 or ~250 ml day−1 therefore seems reasonable for an adult.” “ the sophisticated sleeve-like extension of the tail chamber, enabling F. borealis to swim with its deflated house in position for later reinflation, needs verification in other species.”

Appendicularia (Tunicata) in an Antarctic Glacial Fjord–Chaotic Fjordic Structure Community or Good Indicators of Oceanic Water Masses?

Anna Panasiuk and Marcin Kalarus

Diversity 2021, 13(12), 675. doi:10.3390/d13120675

Appendicularia (Tunicata) in an Antarctic Glacial Fjord–Chaotic Fjordic Structure Community or Good Indicators of Oceanic Water Masses?

Fritillaria borealis was the most abundant and found mainly in summer, Oikopleura gaussica was the second most abundant and found mainly in winter. F. antartica, F. aberrans, O. fusiformis and O. parva were also found.

Fritillaria ragusina sp. nov., a new species of Appendicularia (Tunicata) from the Adriatic Sea.

Garić, R., & Batistić, M.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2011, 91(2), 555-559. doi:10.1017/S0025315409991627

Fritillaria ragusina sp. nov., a new species of Appendicularia (Tunicata) from the Adriatic Sea.

“Samples were collected by vertical tows in the southern Adriatic on 18 and 19 February 2008[...] at the 1200-, 300-, and 150-m stations. None was found at the 100-m station” “Water temperature in the layers in which F. ragusina was found ranged from 13.67 to 14.23°C and salinity ranged from 38.48 to 38.77 psu.” “[Trunk] length ranges from 204 to 445 µm and is about three times longer than wide.” “The distinguishing features of F. ragusina are its multiple fusiform amphichordal cells along the lateral edges of the tail musculature, a broad trunk–tail connection that results from a wide tail fin at the initial part of the tail, and a tail musculature that ends at approximately 5/6 of the total tail length while the notochord proceeds past that point half-way to the tip of the tail.” “Fritillaria ragusina is among the smaller appendicularians thus far discovered.”

Laboratory study of Fritillaria lifecycle reveals key morphogenetic events leading to genus-specific anatomy.

Simon Henriet, Anne Elin Aasjord, Daniel Marc Chourrout

Front Zool. 2022 Oct 28;19(1):26. doi:10.1186/s12983-022-00471-y

Laboratory study of Fritillaria lifecycle reveals key morphogenetic events leading to genus-specific anatomy.

Possibly parasited by a Syndiniale from the genus Sphaeripara and Oodinium. Fed with Micromonas pusilla or Synechococcus sp in culture at a density between 2 and 8 × 107 depending on the developmental stage. 4 chromosomes are visible in oocytes by DAPI staining. Self-fertilization was never observed. In vitro fertilized oocytes frequently aborted development when left in vessels without water flow. Embryos hatch between 4 and 6 h at 15 °C. Cellulose-producing cells identified by staining with a carbohydrate-binding-module (CBM).

Evolution of the U2 Spliceosome for Processing Numerous and Highly Diverse Non-canonical Introns in the Chordate Fritillaria borealis.

Curr Biol. 2019 Oct 7;29(19):3193-3199.e4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.092

Henriet S, Colom Sanmartí B, Sumic S, Chourrout D.

Evolution of the U2 Spliceosome for Processing Numerous and Highly Diverse Non-canonical Introns in the Chordate Fritillaria borealis.

In Fritillaria borealis, most ancestral GT/AG canonical introns were lost. New AG/AR introns with non-canonical splice sites were created by the insertion of MITEs (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) after TA sites. Splicing of non-canonical introns can be inhibited with Pladienolide B. Non-canonical introns of F. bor and O. dioica genes can not be spliced in HEK293T cells, but canonical introns can. In ~90% of lariats from F. bor or O. dio, the branchpoint is an A. Distance to 3′ splice site is similar in both species. A single U2 spliceosome was found in F. bor.

Interannual patterns during spring and late summer of larvaceans and pteropods in the coastal Gulf of Alaska, and their relationship to pink salmon survival

Ayla J. Doubleday, Russell R. Hopcroft

Journal of Plankton Research, Volume 37, Issue 1, January/February 2015, Pages 134–150

Interannual patterns during spring and late summer of larvaceans and pteropods in the coastal Gulf of Alaska, and their relationship to pink salmon survival

“Across seasons, O. labradoriensis and F. borealis abundance were negatively related to temperature.” “O. dioica occurred in highest abundance during late summer relative to spring. During this time, O. dioica abundance was positively related to temperature and chlorophyll-a, but negatively related to salinity, and had a maximum abundance at nearshore stations.” “When season and year were pooled, the 150-µm net collected 34% of the abundance that the 53-µm net collected for Oikopleura spp., 34% of the abundance for Fritillaria spp. and 30% of the abundance for L. helicina. If we assume, time-of-day has no impact on the distribution of either group (i.e. no diel vertical migrations), then the 505-µm net captures 10% of the 53-µm net.” “The 505-µm mesh nets indicate that Oikopleura spp. had highest abundance at the surface”

Massive Changes of Genome Size Driven by Expansions of Non-autonomous Transposable Elements.

Naville M, Henriet S, Warren I, Sumic S, Reeve M, Volff JN, Chourrout D.

Curr Biol. 2019 Mar 2. pii: S0960-9822(19)30139-3. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.01.080

Massive Changes of Genome Size Driven by Expansions of Non-autonomous Transposable Elements.

Larger genomes found in larger species. No evidence for genome duplication. Transposable element density correlated with genome size. SINEs (short interspersed nuclear elements) and MITEs (miniature inverted transposable elements) account for most of the TE expansion. Ancestor is likely to have had a small genome.