Flood, P.R.

Marine Biology 143, 467–475 (2003). doi:10.1007/s00227-003-1075-y

House formation and feeding behaviour of Fritillaria borealis (Appendicularia: Tunicata)

“Suspended particles, between ~0.2 and 30 μm in diameter, are retained” “most of the Fritillaria borealis organism was located within an acellular, mucous-like feeding structure, about 2 mm wide [...]. Only the posterior (gonadal) part of the animal trunk and the anterior “shoulders” of the tail were exposed to the outside” “The difference in volume between the inflated and deflated states of this filter section was about eightfold.” “a water processing capacity of ~10 to 12 ml h−1 or ~250 ml day−1 therefore seems reasonable for an adult.” “ the sophisticated sleeve-like extension of the tail chamber, enabling F. borealis to swim with its deflated house in position for later reinflation, needs verification in other species.”