(work in progress)

Robotic cell processing facility for clinical research of retinal cell therapy

Motoki Terada, Yu Kogawa, Yumiko Shibata, Michinori Kitagawa, Shinya Kato, Tomomitsu Iida, Tsuyoshi Yorimitsu, Akari Kato, Kenji Matsukuma, Tadao Maeda, Masayo Takahashi, Genki N. Kanda,

SLAS Technology, 2023, ISSN 2472-6303, doi.org:10.1016/j.slast.2023.10.004

Robotic cell processing facility for clinical research of retinal cell therapy

10-day culture of iPS cells to be implanted in patients.

Universal robotic gripper based on the jamming of granular material

Eric Brown, Nicholas Rodenberg, John Amend, Annan Mozeika, Erik Steltz, Mitchell R. Zakin, Hod Lipson, and Heinrich M. Jaeger

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Nov 2; 107(44): 18809–18814. doi:10.1073/pnas.1003250107

Universal robotic gripper based on the jamming of granular material

Doraemon !

An artificial aquatic polyp that wirelessly attracts, grasps, and releases objects.

Pilz da Cunha M, Kandail HS, den Toonder JMJ, Schenning APHJ.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Jul 28;117(30):17571-17577. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2004748117

An artificial aquatic polyp that wirelessly attracts, grasps, and releases objects.

A magnetic PDMS stem rotates to create a water flow. When a liquid droplet comes near, UV light is sent to induce folding of liquid cristal polymer arms.

A mobile robotic chemist.

A mobile robotic chemist.

Nature. 2020 Jul;583(7815):237-241. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2442-2

Burger B, Maffettone PM, Gusev VV, Aitchison CM, Bai Y, Wang X, Li X, Alston BM, Li B, Clowes R, Rankin N, Harris B, Sprick RS, Cooper AI.

“The robot uses laser scanning and touch feedback, rather than a vision system. It can therefore operate in complete darkness, if needed.“ “The robot operated autonomously over eight days, performing 688 experiments within a ten-variable experimental space, driven by a batched Bayesian search algorithm.”
