Yen EC, McCarthy SA, Galarza JA, Generalovic TN, Pelan S, Nguyen P, Meier JI, Warren IA, Mappes J, Durbin R, Jiggins CD.

Gigascience. 2020 Aug 1;9(8):giaa088. doi:10.1093/gigascience/giaa088

A haplotype-resolved, de novo genome assembly for the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) through trio binning.

“Heterozygosity of the F1 offspring was estimated to be ∼1.9%” “the 2 scaffolded assemblies [were concatenated], mapped the 10X Illumina data [...], called variants [...], then applied homozygous non-reference edits to the assembly using bcftools consensus.” “Assemblytics detected 32,203 SVs between the haplotype assemblies, affecting 51.6 Mb of the genome”