Zhu B, Wang L, Mitsunobu H, Lu X, Hernandez AJ, Yoshida-Takashima Y, Nunoura T, Tabor S, Richardson CC.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Mar 21;114(12):E2310-E2318. doi:10.1073/pnas.1700280114

Deep-sea vent phage DNA polymerase specifically initiates DNA synthesis in the absence of primers.

'This gene product has efficient DNA polymerase activity and is processive in DNA synthesis in the presence of the NrS-1 helicase and ssDNA-binding protein.' 'The optimal reaction temperature for de novo DNA synthesis by NrS-1 DNA polymerase is 50 °C.' 'The most efficient sites for de novo initiation of DNA by NrS-1 DNA polymerase are 5′-TTTGGTCA-3′ and 5′-TTTGGTTA-3′'