Onuma TA, Nakanishi R, Sasakura Y, Ogasawara M.

Dev Biol. 2021 Jun 6:S0012-1606(21)00142-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2021.05.021.

Nkx2-1 and FoxE regionalize glandular (mucus-producing) and thyroid-equivalent traits in the endostyle of the chordate Oikopleura dioica.

Found vWFL (von Willebrand factor-like, a single gene, whereas Ciona has two), and the thyroid-related peroxidases, TPO and Duox, and the thyroid-related TFs Nkx2-1 and FoxE. Also reported a SCO spondin in the supplemental material. “Nkx2-1 knockdown suppressed vWFL expression in 8 hpf larvae. In contrast, FoxE knockdown had no effect on vWFL expression.” “Nkx2-1 knockdown decreased TPO expression in the endostyle of over 90% of larvae.” “FoxE knockdown did not affect Duox expression.” “Nkx2-1 knockdown caused malformation of the endostyle in 80% of the larvae. In contrast, FoxE knockdown did not affect endostyle morphology.” “Nkx2-1 expression was decreased by Nkx2-1 knockdown, but not by FoxE knockdown. On the other hand, FoxE expression was decreased in two-thirds of the Nkx2-1 knockdown larvae as well as in FoxE knockdown larvae.”