Hoencamp C, Dudchenko O, Elbatsh AMO, Brahmachari S, Raaijmakers JA, van Schaik T, Sedeño Cacciatore Á, Contessoto VG, van Heesbeen RGHP, van den Broek B, Mhaskar AN, Teunissen H, St Hilaire BG, Weisz D, Omer AD, Pham M, Colaric Z, Yang Z, Rao SSP, Mitra N, Lui C, Yao W, Khan R, Moroz LL, Kohn A, St Leger J, Mena A, Holcroft K, Gambetta MC, Lim F, Farley E, Stein N, Haddad A, Chauss D, Mutlu AS, Wang MC, Young ND, Hildebrandt E, Cheng HH, Knight CJ, Burnham TLU, Hovel KA, Beel AJ, Mattei PJ, Kornberg RD, Warren WC, Cary G, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Hinman V, Lindblad-Toh K, Di Palma F, Maeshima K, Multani AS, Pathak S, Nel-Themaat L, Behringer RR, Kaur P, Medema RH, van Steensel B, de Wit E, Onuchic JN, Di Pierro M, Lieberman Aiden E, Rowland BD.

Science. 2021 May 28;372(6545):984-989. doi:10.1126/science.abe2218

3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type.

Hi-C profiles tend to show centromeric clustering in cells that lack condensin II or have very long chromosomes, because they are in “Rabl” conformation.

“In ∆CAP-H2 human cells, centromeres also cluster in or around the nucleolus. However, disrupting nucleolar structure did not affect centromeric clustering. The clustering of centromeres at the human nucleolus is likely because rDNA sequences, which are the genomic component of the nucleolus, often lie near centromeres”

“acute depletion of the condensin I subunit CAP-H did not lead to centromeric clustering”

“we found that the notable increase in chromosome length in the Indian muntjac coincides, as expected, with the appearance of centromeric clustering.”

“We hypothesize that (i) centromeres tend to adhere to one another, a process that is facilitated by proximity during and shortly after mitosis; (ii) the shortening of chromosomes interferes with this adhesion, enabling the centromeres to spread out over the newly formed nuclei; and (iii) chromosome territories emerge as a by-product of the resulting chromosomal separation.”