Chakraborty M, Chang CH, Khost DE, Vedanayagam J, Adrion JR, Liao Y, Montooth KL, Meiklejohn CD, Larracuente AM, Emerson JJ.

Genome Res. 2021 Feb 9. doi:10.1101/gr.263442.120

Evolution of genome structure in the Drosophila simulans species complex.

“de novo reference genomes for the Drosophila simulans species complex (D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia), which speciated ∼250,000 yr ago.” “Genome-wide, ∼15% of sim-complex genome content fails to align uniquely to D. melanogaster.” “Within aligned sequence blocks, the sim-complex species show ∼7% divergence from D. melanogaster” “535–542 rearrangements between D. melanogaster and the sim-complex (approximately 90 mutations per million years), and 113–177 rearrangements within the sim-complex (226–354 mutations per million years)”