Bhutkar A, Schaeffer SW, Russo SM, Xu M, Smith TF, Gelbart WM.

Genetics. 2008 Jul;179(3):1657-80. doi:10.1534/genetics.107.086108

Chromosomal rearrangement inferred from comparisons of 12 Drosophila genomes.

“This analysis reveals between 42 (D. sechellia) and 1430 (D. willistoni) syntenic blocks across various species on the basis of the D. melanogaster gene order.” “Comparison of syntenic blocks across this large genomic data set confirms that genetic elements are largely (95%) localized to the same Muller element across genus Drosophila species and paracentric inversions serve as the dominant mechanism for shuffling the order of genes along a chromosome.” “When we infer that a breakpoint is reused we mean that two or more breakage events occurred within the nucleotide interval between blocks, but the events are not necessarily coincident within the breakpoint”