Fenaux R, Youngbluth MJ.

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 1990;70(4):755-760. doi:10.1017/S0025315400059038

A new mesopelagic appendicularian, Mesochordaeus bahamasi gen. nov., sp. nov.

10.1017/S0025315400059038desc="Primary publication for the Mesochordaeus genus. “collected […] on 5 October 1981, off the Bahamas (Dive no. 634, 25°58-2'N, 77°25-6'W) at a depth of 595 m” “In dorsal view, the trunk is oval, 3360 µm long and 1800 µm wide. Maximum height (in pharyngeal region) is 1400 µM”"