Via my work on the media-types
I wanted to know which packages were using the media type
which apparently is not correct (#991158).
The site gives the answer. (Thanks!)
Moreover, one can create a user
key, for command-line remote
access; here is an example below (the file dcs-apikeyHeader-plessy.txt
contains x-dcs-apikey:
followed by my access key).
curl -X GET "" -H @dcs-apikeyHeader-plessy.txt > result.json
The result is serialised in JSON. Here is how I transformed it to make a
list of email addresses that I could easily paste in mutt
cat result.json |
jq --raw-output '.[]."package"' |
dd-list --stdin |
sed -e '/^ /d' -e '/^$/'d -e 's/$/,/' -e 's/^/ /'